Better Hearing and Speech Month brings light to activities for children and adults affected by speech and language disorders. To commemorate Better Hearing and Speech Month, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) runs a variety of online activities. Better Hearing and Speech Month (BHSM) is an opportunity to share information on common communication disorders. Blogs and […]
What do Athletic Trainers do?
All ATs are equipped with the skills necessary to diagnosis, treat, and rehabilitate acute or chronic muscle and skeletal injuries. The practice of athletic training also includes injury prevention.
ATs are trained to recognize general medical conditions, injuries and illness. They also possess the unique ability to write and communicate emergency action plans.
Exercise for Chronic Pain Management – 7 Tips
Chronic pain leads many people to avoid physical activity. Pain medication is often relied on or prescribed to help manage pain. This can lead to other significant problems such as dependence. An alternative and effective pain management strategy has is regular exercise. Starting an exercise program, however, can be a whole other kind of pain.
Understanding Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE)
What is CTE and What You Can Do About It If you have ever experienced head trauma personally or witnessed someone else having a traumatic brain injury (TBI), you know how serious the effects of the injury can be. But have you ever wondered what happens when someone experiences multiple injuries to their head? This […]
Tips for Preventing Snow Shoveling Injuries
Shoveling snow can cause pain or worse, injury. Below are ways to prepare for a healthy and safe shoveling season. In addition to digging out winter coats, boots and accessories, now is the time to prepare your body for the possibility of shoveling snow. At CORA, we believe that the best form of medical care […]
COVID-19 Pandemic Highlights Need to Assess Your Risks to Prevent Falls
Know Your Risks Beforehand and Be Proactive to Effectively Manage Your Health Care Needs Losing balance as we age is something that most of us accept as inevitable. Dizzy spells, reaching out to steady yourself on a countertop or second thoughts about going for a walk with the grandchildren all are understandable concerns. We know […]