Movement is the key to your recovery. And the Multi-Cervical Unit or MCU is no exception. Our MCU provides clinicians with real-time objective data regarding cervical range-of-motion and strength for state of the art evaluations. In addition it allows patients to be treated in all three planes of motion; flexion-extension, side bending and rotation. […]
CORA PT Encourages Exercise for Pain Relief
Exercising reduces pain, promotes healing and provides lifelong benefits. It seems like such a simple concept. You work out; you feel better. If that is so easy to understand, then why is it so difficult for most of us to execute? When we are feeling lousy, why don’t we want to get out and move […]
Is Swimming Bad for Your Shoulders?
Even though exercising in water takes strain off joints, bad form or overuse can cause damage. Water is extremely therapeutic for the body, and swimming provides many health benefits, such as weight control, improved muscle tone and strength, enhanced endurance, and cardiovascular fitness. Swimming can also be a great exercise for your shoulders, but take […]
Sleep Positions to Ease Pain
For those experiencing back, neck, shoulder, or knee pain, our physical therapists offer advice on sleeping comfortably. We often hear our patients who are undergoing orthopedic rehabilitation or other physical therapy services mention the trouble they have finding a sleeping position conducive to healing. At times, their favorite sleeping position begins to cause them additional […]
What Is Torticollis?
This neck condition, common among infants, is treatable with physical therapy. Torticollis is a neck condition in which the head or neck bends to one side, causing head tilt. The condition, also known as wryneck, is relatively common in newborns and can be present at birth, acquired later in infancy, or may result from damage […]