Act on These 4 Tips to Commit to Excellence & Earn Physical Therapy Success
Pro Tip #1
WHY are you here?
There’s a big difference between motivation and inspiration. If motivation is when you get hold of an idea and it pushes you through to its completion, then inspiration is the exact opposite—it’s when an idea takes hold of you and carries you to success. Both motivation and inspiration are great tools for success but starting with inspiration pulls you to the mountain-top versus motivation pushing you.
At this point, you must ask yourself, “Why am I in physical therapy?” and “Why do I want to be successful?” No one else can truly answer these questions for you. You’re worth taking the time to understand what being successful means to you – and potentially to the people you share your life with, too.
Take a moment before going to the next tip to really ask yourself these questions that will help pull you forward.
Need some inspiration for inspiration: Having enough energy at the end of your workday to enjoy your free time? What would that look like? Is it lifting your children without pain? I want to be successful in physical therapy so I can perform better at work and provide my family with more disposable income? I am successful at physical therapy because I want to experience everything on my dream vacation. Can you see it now!
Pro Tip #2
Always Seek Clarity
One of the most common habits that successful people have is to seek clarity now—and often. Not only is it important that you establish physical therapy goals between you and your healthcare team but also what it’s going to take to get you to your goals. Define what success looks like to you and establish deadlines that are practical. If at any point during the therapy process you’re not sure what you should be doing, then you MUST ask for clarity so you know you’re on the right track.
Review, reinforce, and repeat. An easy way to do this is to communicate with your therapist about what you did between physical therapy sessions and be clear on what you will be doing after you leave your session.
Traveling? If you’re going on an extended trip, then let us know as soon as possible. It’s important to recognize the impact that a multi-hour flight, train ride, or car trip can have on pre-existing conditions. Speak to your PT and in the meantime read this article about ways to travel with less pain and more enjoyment! #activatevacationmode
Pro Tip #3
Do Habits Daily
Do your Home Exercise Program – DAILY! Sorry for shouting… But remember Pro Tip #1? Remind yourself of WHY you’re doing this and get after it. Even if you know why it’s important to do these daily exercises you may not have mastered the practice of actually doing them yet—so let’s delve a little into that. By doing your Home Exercise Program daily, you create a habit. And habits are the essential foundation for any productive practice. Habits take the thinking out and allow for a more automated way of doing things. You don’t need motivation because your body’s on auto-drive. The first few days of establishing a habit are always the most difficult, but that’s expected. Keep going because you’re going in the right direction.
Pro Tip #4
80% Percent of Success is Showing Up. 20% is Follow Through.
The last tip we are going to discuss is simply—be present. Physical therapy is an “interactive sport” that requires attention and energy. Don’t put yourself on the sidelines and expect that your physical therapist will score all the goals or make all the points for you. Trust me—we want you to win and will be racing down the field by your side, but success requires you getting involved and taking control of your physical destiny.
- If you’re able to, schedule all your Plan of Care appointments up front. This will allow you to plan for showing up. If not, that’s OK too; just stay as far ahead of your calendar as you can.
- When you’re at your appointments—be there. Ask questions, get involved, and learn as much about your body as you can. It’s your body for life—master it. Plus, it’s our favorite subject!
Let’s Get Real Again
Physical therapy can be a difficult journey, no doubt. And in reality, it’s not a game–it’s real life. As you go along, there will be ups and downs, and together we will be on this journey with you the whole way. If you stay true to your goals and cultivate a commitment to excellence for yourself, then you’re already well on your way to success. We believe in you and will always be here to motivate you. Now go back to Pro Tip #1 so you can reinforce your beliefs for yourself and cultivate your inner inspirations. You can even inspire others by sharing your WHY—learn more below.
What’s your reason for becoming a Physical Therapy Success Story!?
Share your reason on social media now and inspire others by including @CORAPhysicalTherapy and #ICommitToExcellence.