That’s where CORA comes in.
Our licensed therapists and Orthopedic Certified Specialists (OCS) recognize that their patients typically suffer from functional deficits, deficiencies and weaknesses. It’s our job to leverage our knowledge of surgical procedures to accurately evaluate each person and develop the most effective, evidence-based treatment plan.
Post-operative joints, acute injuries due to sporting activities, everyday injuries, arthritis, amputations—when you come to CORA, you have a specialized, highly trained, dedicated team in your corner, ready with the latest techniques, including Graston, ASTYM, SFMA, FMS and more.
We may focus on everyday functional activities that simulate the specific tasks the patient needs to do at home (“My arm hurts so now I can’t lift my baby.”) or at work (“My hip hurts so now I can’t climb a ladder.”). We may teach patients how to properly stretch. We may work on balance or proprioception skills. We may employ modalities to decrease swelling and increase circulation and healing times. What’s amazing is how many proven, state-of-the-art treatments we have at our fingertips and how we’re able to pinpoint, combine and modify each for maximum results.